Sunday, August 12, 2012

I think this country finally has a chance to come back from all the economical despair. I find it so hard to believe that the American people who once voted for "Mr. Ruler" (a "Leader") actually think that he has done something positive for this country. Can someone out there please tell me anything that Barrack has done to better America.?.? I can only conclude that people who still want to vote for him, either feel sorry for him or they haven't done their homework. Being a "nice " guy is not a reason to VOTE for someone who has worsened ever aspect of our country, our children will have to pay for our mistakes. Most have no positive political standing for the views they hold on to about Obama and yet, people are still hypnotized by his that it??? He's charming???  Feel free to chime in at any time. WAKE UP AMERICA OR THERE WON'T BE AN AMERICA!!!!

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