Wednesday, April 4, 2012

El Shaddai -

Genesis 17:1 says, “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.”

The phrase “I am the Almighty God” comes from the Hebrew phrase “El Shadday,” which the American vernacular has changed to the more commonly used “El Shaddai.”

The Hebrew #410 “El” is translated “God” or “god” 229 times in the KJV Bible and is the root for the more frequently used #430 “Elohiym” which is translated “God” or “god” 2,591 times in the Old Testament. “El” simply means the strong and mighty one.

The Hebrew #7706 “Shadday” is translated “Almighty” forty-eight times in the KJV Old Testament. “Shadday” is first used in this verse when the Lord reveals Himself to Abram as “Almighty God.”

The origin of the word “Shadday” is divided between two opinions. Strong’s Concordance says that #7706 “Shadday” comes from the Hebrew #7703 “shadad” and means all powerful, Almighty.

The Adam Clarke Commentary and the Dakes Bible both indicate that #7706 “Shadday” comes from the Hebrew “shadah” which means to shed and to pour out. They suggest that the phrase “El Shaddai” means, I am the God who pours out blessings, who gives them richly, abundantly, and continually.

This latter definition is more fitting to the context of Genesis 17:1, especially since the following verse’s talk about God cutting covenant with Abram and pouring into his life an abundance of blessings.

Dakes says that the term “El Shaddai” means “the Breasted One” and pictures God as the Strong - Nourisher, the Strength - Giver, Satisfier, All-Bountiful, Supplier of the needs of His people.

It is also interesting to note that the Septuagint translates the word “shadday” with the Greek “pantokrator” “Almighty,” the “One who has His hand on everything.”

God has His hand on everything. But to experience this revelation of “El Shaddai,” the God who richly pours out blessings, there was something that God required from Abram.

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