Monday, April 2, 2012

Passing the Buffett Rule (among other things...)

This is what makes it wrong or at least one of the things. How will anybody have the incentive to better themselves if we are all categorized as being the same. If I have worked my fingers to the bone to get what I have, why would I want to give it to someone/something that does nothing for a living but suck the system dry?? They need to get out and find a job and do the same. I'm also tired of people saying there are no jobs. It may not be what you want to do,but it could sustain you until something better came along. The newspaper, internet, job fairs, people are looking for people to work. I think people don't want to work until their unemployment runs out. Therefore if people aren't looking for jobs, the unemployment rate and percentage rates are not factual. I could go on forever....

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