Monday, April 2, 2012

Energy and Enviroment

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for some of the most costly regulations imposed on businesses and consumers. In the midst of an energy crisis, new exploration and the production of energy resources has almost completely stopped, our refining capacity is stretched to the limit, and our dependence of foreign energy sources is at a historical high. At the same time, the EPA has launched an expansive new regulatory regime that threatens to make electricity and fuel more expensive, while providing few, if any, benefits. Americans deserve common-sense energy policies that will increase competition, lower prices, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. We are still many years away from finding alternatives to fossil fuels. The search for alternative energy sources should continue, but not at the expense of our current prosperity. Reliance on failed, big-government schemes to promote so-called “renewable” energy sources, and policies that do nothing to help increase production of traditional energy resources, are responsible for the uncertain state of America’s energy security. Americans deserve common-sense energy policies that will increase competition, lower prices, and ensure that the nation has a reliable supply of energy.

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